Tag Archives: monkey

Tuesday night – Monkey

Greetings from Danbury CT.  On the drive down I was listening to the radio and heard a really cool story about a quadriplegic guy, Ned, who’s got a Cappuchin monkey as a assist pet. The monkey, who’s name is Kasey helps her owner interact with the world. She can understand many commands in spoken english.. and is dexterous enough to fetch food from the fridge. change tv channels and pick up stuff from the floor. More than that, she’s a constant companion to Ned.. Caring for her has been great physical therapy which has restored some movement in one of Ned’s arms. Ned’s mom’s just written a book about the experience I’m not sure why the story struck me so deeply… but it did.. it was both sad and encouraging. The movie’s not as compelling as the radio story I heard, but it gives you a view of what Kasey can do.. Take a look .. .

nite friends, nite sam..