Tag Archives: moran

Friday night – moran plant

Hectic and strange day.. lots of things coming at me.. most of them interesting and good..

Bugged out late afternoon to join some other folks from Generator for another walk through of the Moran plant.. An abandoned electric generation site near the waterfront. Some friends of mine have an ambitious plan for renovating the rusting hulk and making it into public space and a model of energy efficiency../ maybe even the future home for our Generator makerspace..  pretty interesting for the first commercial coal generator converted to burn wood scraps.


The place has been cleaned up quite a bit since the last time I was there ./ that includes pumping out more than 400 million gallons of standing water.


Now our friend Mary has done some very nice mural work in there . soem of it done wearing waders !


the place is massive.. cold and beautiful.

Seeing it through these guys eyes I can see the beautiful place they want to re-make here.. I am starting to see it too

nite all, nite sam
