Tag Archives: Mr Brody has left the building

Tuesday night – Mr Brody has left the building

It was a bittersweet  day for me at work.. a good friend, mentor and collaborator of mine, Paul B left IBM for less Blue pastures. His reasons for going are his own.. I can just say that I and  will miss working with him very much. He has been an inspiration to me and many of my colleagues.. He’s a big thinker with sometimes  controversial ideas.. ..  His different ideas have often gotten him.. and more recently me .. in trouble with others.. but he  reminds me that it’s not always best to think like everyone else..

I saw that Paul’s leaving was picked up in the press as soon as it was announced..

Paul Brody, the man in charge of selling mobile and internet of things services to business in North America for IBM, left the company as of Tuesday. Brody is also the man who was spearheading a really interesting technology idea that combined Ethereum’s blockchain-based decentralized platform and programming language with BitTorrent and some code called Telehash to create an entirely new framework for building software for the internet of things.

Stacy then goes on to describe the demos we ran last week

The CES demonstrations involved a washing machine that would re-order its own detergent and a distributed marketplace for advertising that were “working perfectly,” Brody said in a phone interview Tuesday. The next steps will be designing a scalable version of the architecture — hopefully, something IBM and Samsung will get done within the next four to six weeks.

Brody won’t be at IBM to lead it, but he said John Cohn, an IBM fellow, and Veena Pureswaran, global electronics industry lead, will continue with the project, as will folks at Samsung. Meanwhile, keep your eyes open on Github for the Adept white paper explaining how the blockchain proof of concept demonstrations shown at CES work. They make for some awesome reading.