Tag Archives: my father’s socks

Tuesday night – my father’s socks

I spent the whole day wearing my father’s socks.. and it felt good. Diane and I were staying  with my mom and dad in sherborne the last two nights  which wsa very nice.. .  My dad had some socks hat were too tight for him.. so I took them…

They say to know a man you should walk a mile in his shoes… .. i say you can know a many by driving 200 miles in his socks.


I spent the the morning and early afternoon with my Saudi friends talking about world water challenges. Again, I found this group to be so thoughtful and inspiring..


One of the guys made a traditional Saudi sweet.. honey soaked bread filled with ghee and salted yogurt to drink.. really good, actually !



Our firend Joki (aka Jen) was there demonstrating a water carrier developed by Wellowhich is designed to help women move water more easily than carrying it on their heads.


Here jenn is demonstrating the device with Dr Hayat..



It was a great meeting .. good both for my soul and for business .. It was a little hard to say good bye to my new freinds..






Now back home and officially on vacation for the rest of the week (only a few meetings tomorrow .. looking forward to a little down time 🙂


nite all, nite sam
