Tag Archives: My TedX talk on the Importance of Play

Thursday night – My TedX talk on the Importance of Play

This morning I got an email telling me that the video of the talk i did at TedX Delft in early October had been posted. It was my attempt to talk about the importance of bringing a playful spirit into your work and life.. Sometimes things happen for a reason.. I wasn’t feeling particularly playful about my work today… so I was a little nervous as I sat down to watch the video at the airport…It’s always hard watching yourself talk…
So… How was it ? … I like it../,, The Delft folks did a really nice job of editing .. and i think the points I wanted to make are there.. . There are so many things I wish I would have said.. or said differently, but all in all, i am very glad i did it.

I’m interested to hear what people think..because I want to continue to refine the message.. What did you like, what didn’t you like ? WHat would you suggest to make it better > Eager to get your thoguhts..

and remember.. “do try this at home !”

nite all, nite sam