Tag Archives: new year’s day

Sunday night – New year’s day

Happy 2012 everyone.. there.. that’s the first time I’ve had to type it… and I got it right !   A fresh beginning. I love this time of year just like I love empty notebooks and unsharpened pencils.. it’s still just all possibilities.. I’m filled with resolve to do good in this year.. but no resolutions per sec.  I want to keep at my goals which are:

  1. be a fun and loving X (where X= dad, husband. son, neighbor, community member, coworker.. etc)
  2. have abundant good health
  3. do work that is meaningful and fun
  4. give back to the world
  5. find peace in my life

In my end of year stock taking I think I’m doing pretty well on 1, 2 and 4.. and I need to improve on 3 and 5.. all in all not a bad place ot start the year..

… and we’ve had a good start on the year.. Gabe decided about 3PM yesterday that he was going to have some kids over for new years.. w had planned to have a quiet evening at home….  instead.. we had about 35 kids.. come for new years and midnight breakfast. It was really fun hanging out with Gabe’s friends.. they’re really nice kids..



After toasting in the new year  with a Tesla version of Auld Lang Syne ..

we all sat down for a big breakfast..

Diane and I wereasleep by 2.. and I slept until 9:30.. not a bad way to start the year !


. It’s been a really great break. I had good hanging out time with Diane. Max and Gabe.. and got to spend time making stuff with both boys.. . now comes the job of easing off vacation.  Good luck with your own transition everyone.. hope it’s a good and productive year for you and yours !


nite all, nite sam
