Tag Archives: no letter after l

Sunday evening – no letter after l

You’ll have to forgive e…. y ” key  (the one after ‘l’ and before ‘n’) isn’t working at the oent. I can get it to work but I need to really ash on it. y poor coputer takes so uch abuse.. I ust have spilled soething on it…

What can I write about that doesn’t require the letter ” ?  I can’t tlak abotu ixing ilk in assive ugs ..  or aking ovies of igrant agpies … or otivating irads of odern ongols.

but …. I  can talk about the glorious weather.. diane and I got the dogs out for a run again today.. the rivershore trail was still covered in about 6 feet of ice and snow.. a little slow going in our 5 fingers. We had to avoid a part where the river had coe up and left refrigerator size chunks of ice on the trail .   It was so great being out though.. after last weeks flu and weird weather today was brilliant blue and in the high 40’s .. it won’t be long until ost of the snow melts.. we can already see grass on about half of our land.. .. it’s a great contrast with diane’s daffodils already pokeing up in the front yard.

I just took down tow of the stor windows in our roo.. (we like to sleep in the 50’s ).. With the storms down. the sounds of outside and of spring are even more in the house..

It’s been a great winter.. I’ now ready for spring..

nite all, nite sa
