Tag Archives: old times

Thursday night – Old times

Last night at 6 diane came in to tele that Gabe was up at bolton doing night riders with Ryan and Scooby..// I dropped what i was doing (is it ok to knock of work midday at 6pm ? ) .. we go on our warmest clothees for the 0 degree weather and headed up to the mountain. The slopes were pretty empty. I asked around and realized that we’d timed things perfectly.. no need to stand around outside freezing our a**es off.. it was already the prize hand out upstairs..


it was so much like old times, sweaty kids, questionable judging, copious swag, lots of hearing.. brought back so many great memories of both sam and gave being up there. This time without the need to watch for an hour of freezing just to catch a couple of runs.


the whole thing made me feel warm and fuzzy..












We had promised ourselves the usual reward of beer and frenchfries.. but given that we hadn’t suffered enough to deserve that we  decided instead to go down and hang with Deb and Hannah and eat a gourmet meal with them.. YUM ~!!


i love our life here..


nite all. nite sam
