Tag Archives: phoenix

Friday night – phoenix

Tonight was fun and busy.. Gabe asked Diane and I to chaperon a dance at the school.. it’s nice when your kid asks you to o something like that.. My job was to watch for kids sneaking behind the bleachers to do whatever.. I felt  like a spy.. but it was fun hanging out behind the bleachers myself.. I felt like I was getting away with soemthing. The dance was the official unveiling of slushie machine that the student council purchased for the school. .. Gabe helped champion that.. it was a hit. !.

after the dance .at about 11pm we headed over to Chris and Kim’s for Kim’s birthday party finale, a bun of a 10 foot tall Phoenix that Chris had built. it was really beutiful !


my job was to do the pyrotechnics to start the fire.. but for some reason the potassium permanganate/glycerin mix never litspontaneoulsy combusted.. We had to futz with it with fuse and gas.. ..it was an pretty embarrassing fail for me.. but Chris rescued the event by ligthing the thing with a fuse.. I’d put a large aluminum and zink flash powders. that was cool ad pretty…

The bird finally caight and burned beutifully for about 30 min.. It was quite a site.. and a great tribute to freind Kim.. what a great person !!!!!!!

ok.. I’m  still pretty jetlagged.. so I’ll end there for the day. More tomorrow.. !

-nite all, nite sam (you would have loved this bird !)
