Tag Archives: play time

Monday night – Play time

Ahhh.. a short breathing spell.. calm  between storms. The big project I have been working on was officially complete  this morning.. at least for now. We present in on Friday. which is a big deal.. but for now, I’m taking a day or so off to not think o fit. or anything  else. ..

It was a wonderfully nice piece of irony that today is the day that IBM started it’s Tmblr campaign on Play. I’ve been helping the folks at Ogilvy. our ad agency meet up with folks at work who have a playful spirit.. and there are many of them.   you can check out the play campaign here , and the rest of the really. really, really interesting IBM tmblr channel here.  I only learned about it recently.. but I’ve spent hours goign back through it. there are some really cool interactive pieces.. Check it out.. you’ll be hooked.

I say irony because the past coulpe of weeks had been trying to squeeze the play right out of me. I mentioned that to one of my friends at the ad agency in a note.. he shot back with the following:

:You know one of the things that I find, the more serious things are, the more you actually have to play. Sometimes it feels like when you’re really serious, you don’t have time for play. And that’s when you really need it the most. I know from work that when my career or the company or the industry has been going through tough times, you have to play to keep from going crazy. But you also have to play to explore. When you’re just focused on doing the thing right in front of you, and the thing in front of you doesn’t work for you—let’s say the laws of physics have changed—you can’t just keep banging your head on it. You have to think differently, and the best way to think differently is to start experimenting, try stuff, get rid of the rules. Copy other people. Combine ideas. Do all the kind of things that you do when you play.

It took me a second reading throgh it that he was quoting me back to myself.. jus tthe kind of message i needed to hear 🙂 .

nite all. nite sam
