Tag Archives: resolutions

Thursday night – resolutions

Today was Rosh Hashona.. the 2nd most hallowed day in my religion.. and despite my best intentions. i din’t get to take it off.. well. i actually didn’t want to take it off. Since the thought of sitting with others in shul didn’t appeal to me.. i’d imagined taking a long reflective walk.. but instead I ate soem apples and honey (actually apples and maple syrup) for a good new year then i ended up on the phone with a first all at 7 AM .. and a last one ending at 10 PM..Sounds bad, i know.. but as days go.. it was a good one.. i talked ot people i like.. and did some good and interesting work..

Interestingly, i ran into a couple of other MOT’s (Members o the tribe.. what Jews jokingly call one another) who were also at work… and feeling somewhat guilty about it.. so.. that was fun and comforting..

Even with he busy day.. i did manage to get soe good introspection. Rosh Hashonah is the beginning of the days of Awe…  when you think about what you did in the past yer.. and what you’  dlike to change in the coming.. It’s a bit like new years resolutions.. but its supposed to be more spiritual..   I’ve been thinking hard on this.. and haven’t come up with much..

Here’s what I’m thinking about some intentions for the coming year  ..  resolve to:

  • get more sleep
  • goof off more and be   little easier on myself
  • spend more time outside
  • try eating sweet potatoes
  • give away more things
  • write more code, make more stuff
  • talk a little less and be less certain that i’m right always
  • spend more time teaching
  • read more for fun

OK,. nothing earthshaking.. buts its all stuff i really beleive i can do.. well.. at least all but the sweet potatoes part

L’shana tova everyone

nite all, nite sam
