Tag Archives: Richmond land trust at 25

Sunday night – Richmond land trust at 25

Quiet day.. finished up a long standing electronics project.. which was good to get done.. still need to integrate it with Hoer’s stuff… Didn’t do much the rest of the day.. so gotta dip into yesterday… Which was the 25th anniversary party for the Richmond Land Trust.. The Land Trust rented out Bridge Street Cafe..

and we all hung out and reminisced about 25 years of tree hugging. It was great to see everyone and realize that we’d all been getting together around the same causes for the last quarter century.. (wow !). We ate, drank and watched slide shows.. same folks.. just more and darker hair in many cases. .

Krista currently runs the board.. and she had all the original officers speak.. including me.. I was (believe it or not) the treasurer… which taught me that I never wanted to handle money or think of money again in my life.. 🙂

Gary has been all sorts of officers.. he’s done so much for the town

dan.. (who’s Brittany it was last night !)

THe slide shows were great.. we got to see our old friend Warren and Ruth Beeken on the pictures.. they both passed away about 10 years ago (I think)

we talked over all the projects the land trust has handled:, the river shore, the stafford preserve, the bombardier reserve, the monitor barn.. the land trust rebuilt it…     we held Sam’s memorial concert there.. it will always have that place in my heart i guess.

Got hoe and Gabe had a passle of football kids there.. he wanted to do some science so we did some quantitative stoicheimetric exothermic reactions (aka ..we blew some stuff up !).. Here are the boys with no flame thrower..

and here they are with teh flame thrower.. .nice !

today.. got oot out with Diane and the girls to start exploring the Richmond Ridge trail .. late fall leaves .. nice to be outside.

ok.. thats it for now.. more tomorrow..

nite all. nite sam