Tag Archives: RTE

Tuesday night – RTE

Great day today in Tokyo.. First breakfast with Sam, A very smart HR guy here at IBM Japan.. Then my talk at Japan’s Regional Technical Exchange. There were about 400 folks here.. my talk went pretty well (i think  ?)

I ran into my very good friend Takeo-san in the crowd..   She and I traveled all over the world together for several years as part of the academy leadership.. It was so good catching up with her.

After that Shiu-san and Kobayashi-san spent a couple of hours taking me to lunch and showing me around Tokyo a bit. It was really fun hanging out with them ..

we stopped in to southbank check out this robot.. pretty cool !

we then headed back to the lab for my next talk.. I was amazed to see little kids.. maybe 8 years old riding the subway by themselves !



i got to connect with some old friends in the lab including Akiko-san and Kajitani san.. very good catching up with them technically and personally.


akiko-san was proud to show off her ‘nerd barbie’.

 then I gave my talk. it was for a really nice group of external bloggers. They asked some really great questions.I really enjoyed hanging out with them.


then I headed back to the hotel.. , met up with my buddy sebastian and headed out to his house for dinner. We were to have met up sunday.. but my plane cancellation prevented that. It was great getting to see him and meet his family. They only moved here 2 weeks ago !  Sebastians wife is lovely and their kids are soooo cute !


there was a ton of love in that house !

Sebastian is a math/cryptography  geek.. .. working on the Riemann hypothesis.. here’s his light bedtime reading..

i really enjoyed my visit with Sebastian and family. i was a lovely meal.. I loved getting to meet his family whom he talks about all the time.

around 10:30 I took the long subway ride back to the hotel

Now it’s time for sleep. Heading home tomorrow !

more from the road then

nite all. nite sam
