Tag Archives: russia

Tuesday night – russian friends

A good day here overall.. I did one of the things I love doing most.. that is talking to very smart technical people. The folks at the lab here in Moscow are truly brilliant.. .. what’s more they are warm and welcoming..

It was a long day.. many conversationns.. many things to thik about.. I was getting pretytjetlagged by the end of the day as we battld our way through traffic back to the hote

At Ian’s suggestion, we abandoned the traffic-bound  taxi a few miles form the hotel  and grabbed the subway..l.


It was a beautiful night.. cool.. no rain.. the city was decked out for Christmas..


Here’s the theater again.. newly renovated


We dropped our bag and headed to a famous beer restaurant garv piva torg. Here’s Ian trying to figure out where our beers dissapeared to

and here’s andrej.. my freind from Slovenia.  Both great guys.. We had a good talk tonight..some personal, some work talk.

Dinner was good.. sea bass and pioroshkis..

then Andrej and I walked back to the metropol while Ian headed back to his home..

Red Sqaure was open tonight, so Andrej and I tool a quick walk through to see the decorations..

here’s the Kremlin .. looking very festive

they’ve installed a temporary ice rink in Red Square .. How cool is that !

i put a samstone near lennis tomb..left one in about the same place in 2007.

and here’s the eutiful gym of St/ Basils.. it’s just such a cool building.. last time I was here it had scaffolding.. tonight it was radiant

Now I have to sleep.. I gotta be up early tomorrow.. Wish me luck with my talk.. I’ll need it !

nite all, nite Sam
