Tag Archives: safety not guaranteed

Saturday night – safety not guaranteed

Just taking in one of those strange coincidences that sometimes come in to your life and make you wonder. Today I had a really good visit from new friends Ryan, Hillary and Nathan. Ryan is making a set of short movies about folks in Vermont who are making ‘stuff’ .. (things music, art, robots, etc). Ryan is a recent-ish transplant to the 802 and is using this project to  build some roots in the place.. i think it’s gonna work.. Anyway..  we had a great , wide ranging conversation.. then they headed off in to the afternoon,..

fade to this evening…..

Diane and I decided to watch a movie.. something we do maybe once a month. I hit netflix looking for a suggestion and took one of the top recommendations it made for me in ‘critically acclaimed comedy’.. There was a movie called ‘safety not guaranteed‘  which i don’t think i ever heard of.. We watched (and really liked) it.. as the credits rolled i saw that ryan had written and performed the music in it.. .. huh ?!?.. i then found out that my friend jared  had engineered it and my friend ken had done some of the audio effects..   I keep trying to remember if ryan subliminally put the name of the movie in my head…     but even if he did. how in the heck did it end up at the top of Dianes netflix queue ?!?!.. Coincidence ?.. insane big data ? alien intelligence ? im baffled..

anyway. check out the moview.. we really liked it ..


Speakign of safety not guaranteed. Gabe and I took advantage of having an audience here.. and the timely delivery of some left over liquid nitrogen (another coincidence) to do some quick science mayhem..


first we used soem thermite to fuse a big pile of coins.. (run gabe !!!!!)


Then we blew up a bucket of water with liguid nitrogen in a soda bottle (sorry no pics… too scared !)

OK.. time for bed.. still pondering the strangeness of the universe.

nite all, nite sam
