Tag Archives: SAO PALO

Wednesday night – Maniac

Actually Manioc.. as in .. what I had for dinner..   I’m in Sao Paulo, one of the worlds biggest cities.. and so far I really like it.

I spent the mornign in BA working .. it was great to have that time to catch up. One cool surprise was to see this guy come by the window (on the 18th floor).. What a job !!!


around 11 I went out for a short run.. it was a little gritty out there… but lots to see…


Around 1 I walked over to the IBM site to meet up with Julie S who’s also heading to Brazil.. we shared a cab to the airport..

I got to Sao Paulo about 7..  It’s a HUGE city.. so far I really like the people .. and the scenery.. it’s pretty nice here.. very warm and spring like..

as I imagined.. they didn’t have much for vegetarians at the hotel resturant.. but I did get to try Manioc.. it’s a bit like potatoes.. so they were fried like french fries.. yummy.. but… fried.. still wodnering why I ate them.. but they were very tasty..


now watching crazy Brazilian tv.. I better turn it off and get some sleep…

so.. more tomorrow..

nite all, nite sam
