Tag Archives: schools out.. teacher let the monkeys out

Friday night – schools out , schools out.. teacher let the monkeys out

Today was Gabe’s last day of high school.. which makes it our families last day of public school.. at least until grandkids. I put a note on gabe like we did on his first day of kindergarten in case he got lost.


. Between the three kids that means 21 years of backpacks, breakfasts and busses…we just did the calculation.. 21 years times 18 days of school – thats 3780 breakfasts.. thats a whole lot of oatmeal… actually, make that 3779.. because neither diane nor i had time to make gabe breakfast today.. he had to wing it for himself.



i had n incredibly busy day..though i was feelign incredibly lazy..


diane pried me away from work aroudn 6 to take a walk alog the river.. the flowers were stll there.. looking very monet like.


just before 9 pm, gabe had n idea of soemthign to make for a freind.. so we all headed down town. Diane met up with deborah. ellen, brit . hannah and nate, while gabe and I wen to use the laser cutter at uvm..

while I was settin up the laser, gabe turned on the light in the 3d printer.. and guess what.. someone was printing a SamStone. How cool is that ??


after finishing our project, gabe made these cool plywood peace igns wiht the laser.. this thing is really amazing !


ok.. more tomorrow.. can’t keep my eyes open now

nite all nite sam
