Tag Archives: Seeing Jim

Sunday night – Seeing Jim

Hello from somewhere in NY.. I just made an executive decision and decided to get a cheap (but nice !) hotel and sleep instead of making the 90 min or so drive down to NYC to the boat. I’ll head down there mid day tomorrow. I’m pretty beat and didn’t want to push it. I’m down here for a number of reasons.. but most of all, I’m down to see my buddy Jim. Jim was in a very bad car accident 2 weeks ago tomorrow . He’s been in a coma ever since.. though now he’s more in a semi-coma. He has periods of wakefulness and periods of rest. He’s been able to respond to questions with thumbs up signs, etc.. but not today. He was quiet.. I  have to admit that it was hard to see him lying there like that.. i was somehow expecting him to be able to respond..  His eyes followed me and I knew he knew I was there.. but aside from that he was quite still . He looks great and fit.. and all signs are that he will recover.. I guess the fact that he can respond to spoken  commands when he’s awake is a very good sign that he’ll come back. I

My very good friend Bruce and I went and stayed with Jim and his wife Lee Ann for an our or so tonight.. it was good being with him. I showed him pictures of my kids.. Bruce and I talked about some of the good old times the three of us have  had.. Jim’s eyes followed us..I knew he knew we were there..

It was good catching up with Lee Ann. I hadn’t seen her in years.. she was calm an settled in there.. she spends hours each day holding Jim’s hand.. Sometimes he squeezes her hand so hard that they have to give him something else to squeeze. Tonight he had a rubber ducky to squeeze.

In a few days Jim will be transferred to a long time recovery place down in Rockland county.  I hope to be able to get down there pretty often because its near the City. I’m guessing he has a long recovery.. He’ll need friends to drop in.. It’s hard to know exactly what he’s looking at over the next few months .. maybe even years..   I know it will be hard.. My hope for Jim.. who has the a scientists mind.. that he’ll find some of the rewiring time ‘interesting’ as well.

Bruce and I gave Jim and Lee Ann a hug and went out for a quick bite.. It was very good catching up with Bruce. he is one of my really . really good friends.. He Jim and I  worked together closely for a couple of year in the early 2000’s and have stayed close since.  We talked about family and work..  but mostly we talked about Jim..  I got to see Bruce’s wife Mary Beth for a few minutes before we went to see Jim which was nice too..

Anyway.. I better get to sleep now.. usy week coming up and I want to be rested..

Please keep sending Jim good vibes.. he still needs it .

nite all, nite sam
