Tag Archives: shana tova

Wednesday night – !שנה טובה

Shana Tova.. Happy new year folks.. For us yiddlach tonight is Erev Rosh Hashonah.. New Years Eve.. Though.. it’s hardly celebrated like that.. no wild parties or fireworks.. Tonight Jews everywhere welcome in the new year.. this one is 5772 by the religious calendar. It starts the 10 days of reflection when you are ‘sposed to look at the year just passing and figure out how to dial it in a bit better in the coming year.. I’m not a religiious guy.. but I am a spiritual guy. This time of reflection couldn’t come at a better time for me.. I am trying to find a better balance in my life now.. do a little more good in the world.. and get a little more peace in my life.. The funny thing is.. I always seem to be looking for that.. One of the blessings/curses of writing like this is that I can go and check in with myself at any date in the past nearly 5 years..   if I’m always looking for the same sort of change around this time of year.. no.. actually.. nearly every time of year..  what does that tell me ?

Something to think about these next 10 days…. no ?


I hope it is a sweet new year for you and yours

Shana Tova everyone.., shana tova Sam
