Tag Archives: Sheffield

monday night – Sheffield !

Greetings from Sheffield England.. It’s been years since I really visited the IK.. though it still feels homey. Diane and I lived in the south of England from 1984-86 while she was in grad school and I was working at IBM Hursley.. Folks still drive on the wrong side of the rode, talk strangely and eat strange things.. .. and they are still, funny, warm, friendly and nice


Sheffield back then was known as a steel and coal town. It was racked by terrible labor disputes.. the miners were represented by a guy name Scargill.. I still remember the news reports, the violence.. the pictures of a burned out city .. Things were grim back then.. no jobs, no money.. The whole thing was memorialized in the movie ‘The Full Monty’



You’d never know that now.> Sheffield today is a very pretty and welcoming place. the mills are all closed.. and now it’s ind of a high tech mecca for the northern UK..


My hotel is rigth on the old canal or Quay’s


busy and productive work day here.. then out wiht work friends nigel and andy.. a good time.. 2 new freinds..

now I need to sleep .. More tomorrow..

night all, nite sam
