Tag Archives: slip and slide

Monday nght – Slip and slide

Day two of our mini family reunion. My sister and her three kids arrived today. Mary’s husband john arrives tomorrow. It’s been a really nice time.. Lots of folk for this size house.. with folks 3-82.. lots of activity.. The pace goes from sleepy (at last count, 3 cohsn asleep on the floor) to frenetic.. I spent several good hours talking to my dad.. He cant always remember things from earlier in the day.. but he can tell you things about the navy from 60 years ago. I love listening to him.

mid afternoon we did what cohns do when we gather.. invent and make mischief. We decided to take advantage of the slope in my folks yard to build a 100 foot slip and slide. Max and gabe went to home depot and picked up a 10′ by 100′ 6mil tarp and two bottles of dawn dishwasher soap. We fashioned some wire stakes and pinned it all together. Withen the hour we were siding.. it was so much fun.. Even grandma slid..

Now things are getting sleepy again.. and I have some work to catch up on.. so I’ll sign out till tomorrow


I do want to note with sadness the passing of my good friend Gunther Eschenbrenner. My friend, Sandy’s father. He was 87. I often hung out at Gunther and his wife Ellen’ house as a kid in Houston. Gunther moved to Vermont to be near Sandy last year. He was an engineer and a humanist.. I liked him very much and will miss him..

nite all, nite sam
