Tag Archives: solderday

Saturday night – Solderday

Happy solderday.. calling it that because I basically had a soldering iron in my hand from about 10 AM until about 8PM for one thing or another…

It’s also ‘sequence day’ !.. 12/13/14/ .. next time that happens will be next century !

Today I ran a ‘how to make a blinky headband’ class at  the Generator. We had 15 folks signed up.. but by days end. we had made 22 of the things. (if you want.. you can build one too with instructions i wrote that  you can find here .. ).  Thanks to my two very able helpers Rachel G and Karen W.. I dion’t know how i thought i could do it on my own.. They were awesome. Thanks also to Nance from Aerator for all her help getting ready.

got done with that. grabbed a bite with karen and rachel and talked over the blinky lessons learned.. and had soem awesome veggie poutin at skinny pancake

Then another nearly 4 hour stint at ECHO helping Travis finish up the holiday light display at the front of ECHO. Still lots of soldering and wiring to go.   Huge undertaking.. though looking pretty good at this point..

OK.. now for some down time.. more tomorrow

nite all. nite sam
