Tag Archives: Tallinn/Riga

Tuesday night – Tallinn/Riga

Greetings from Riga.. life is better today.. my bag finally got here as I was leaving Tallinn.. I had a good day of customer meetings, media stuff and a nice talk at the Tallinn Technical University. The Estonians are very cool. they’re quiet .. and very smart and gracious. My impression is that they have the strong Eastern European math/science academic skills and kind of Scandinavian focus on Design.. It’s a cool combo.. and it seems to be working !

I didn’t get out much today.. but I did get some good Hotel window shots

The University was nice.. i enjoyed the students question.. unfortunately.. we had to run at the end to get back to the customer event.. so I didn’t have time to talk to the students.. but fun, just the same

saw this sticker on a car in the parking lot.. thats me baby.. a mood mess !

the IBM event ended with a 40th birthday party for IBM Estonia complete with a Marylin look alike doing the ‘happy birthday Mr president’ shtick. pretty .. uhhh.. interesting !

trip to Riga was quick.. made quicker because I was traveling with new friend Martin.. used the time to get some work learning in..   Got to Riga.. and lo and behold.. My bag is there !!.. complete with my folded up hoola hoop !

got to the hotel and was shown around by Zene and her crew. one gave me a traditional Latvian carrot and potato thingy.. yum ? I think ?

I had a work call to get back to so I took a quick walk around the beutiful old city by myself. it’s really very beutiful.. but in a completely different way than Tallinn is beautiful !

Got hom in time for my call. but not before spying an LMAFO grafitto.. The world is truly flat.

OK.. Thats it for now.. im trying to get some good sleep tonight.. More tomorrow.

nite all, nite sam
