Tag Archives: tea and team

Thursday night – Tea and Team

Lots of events celebrating the near end of Gabe’s senior year. Last night was the Senior Tea.. all the sudents and parents met fo music, snacks and catching up.. very nice to see everyone !


Tonight was Gabe’s lacrosse dinner.  right before Dinner, Max showed up from NY. He was up for just 2 hours on his way to a fire spinning festival. It was so nice to see him..


around 6:30 the whole lacross team showed up and filled up on soem of dianes wonderful lasagna..   it was funny o see the kids ot of pads and helmets..

after dinner we did soem fire mischief.. First we sacrifised a lacrosse ball to the g=ds of thermite !  we willed a can with a lacoss ball, then filled the rest with thermite.

we lit it .. and got back

amazingly, the ball half survived !it looked like a shrunked orange..

then we got out some ammonium dichromate.. looks like orange sprinkles, but turns into a  huge pile of green ash when it’s lit. it looks so much like a real volcano !

Fianlly. we did a cremora bomb.. this time with only half a can of cremora.. with a little ‘sklitter’ (ferrotitanium) sprinkled in..

a satisfying woosh.. then .. surprise !

a huge 20 foot smoke ring that hung around forever !

Amazing !

finally Max did soem fire staff and rope dart for ius.. he’s gotten so good !

OK .. thats all the fun i can stand for a day.. time for a bath.. more tomorrow !

nite all. nite sam
