Tag Archives: thursday-ish

Tuesday night – Thursdayish

For the second week in a row i made the subconscious decision to skip Wednesday .. I’m not sure why.. or for that mater.. how.. But i lay down and did all my days prep for Thursday.. Checked my calendar,  planned Gabes car pool.. sent some Thursday-ish  email  Same thing  happened last week.. …I removed Wednesday from my week plans and actually showed up for work thinking it was Thursday..  Now I have nothing really against Wednesdays.. in fact.. I’m kind of partial to them.. I sometimes try to work at home on Wednesdays.. but that hasn’t been working out that way in the past couple of months.

I guess I shouldn’t view it as a bad thing if one of the weekdays wants to skip out every so often.. I’m just wondering what will happen if they start moving around on me.. Imagine a Sunday shoeing up right in the middle of the week.. or a friday night appears where everyone else is on Monday morning.

I’m going to sleep now.. I guess I’ll let it be a surprise what day tomorrow really is..

nite all, nite Sam
