Tag Archives: tone deaf

Thursday night – late – Tone deaf

Tone deaf.. that’s what I was feeling today. I feel like everyone else seems to be so much more clued in to what’s going on around me than I am.. The last straw was tonight.   I had made plans to meet the UVM SEED team that I’m advising at 3PM tomorrow . I called my freind Victor to invite him to the meeting. Victor’s wife Patti’s frst words to me were “Stay away from UVM tomorrow”.. Why .. I asked ?   “Because Pres . Obama’ is speaking there tomorrow.. :. How did I not know that ?!?  Seems like everyone else I know seemed to have been clued in to that for weeks..

Same sort of thing happened with iht my blog last night about Trevon Martin. One of my favorite readers let me know that I might have come off as a little off the mark in my interpretation of what was going on in the Trevon story. Another told me Ithat he’d agreed with me.  Whichever you felt.. I hope I did not offend anyone. . I had commented on the media swirl around  Trevons parents. To be truthful, I wasn’t as up on the fact of the case as I should have been. I did not know about the circumstances  or history of Trevon’s killer, .. I  did not know anything about the two sides of the story.. and I did not know anything about the new evidence that apparently surfaced .  All that I did not know. Still stand by my feeling that I can only feel deeply sad for Trevon and his parents…. I felt grief, not anger .. not yet.. There will be a time for that , I’m sure. As I dug in a little more today I could see the good that might come out of this tragedy  in the conversations it starts. Let’s hope for that..

Now.. it’s time for me to start paying more attention to the world.

nite all, nite sam
