Tag Archives: townse van zandt

Sunday night – Townes Van Zandt

I was pretty grumpy this morning. It was hot , (80,) muggy and buggy.. and that;stard on me. It never needs to be above 60 for me.. Anyway.. I wasn’t sure what to do today… everything looked like a big job..   I decided to tackle a job that was inside. Ny home office was getting to be a pretty crowded tangle of print outs, microprocessors, sensors, dishes and conference trinkets. I decided to get a plow in there and clean it out. I was looking or some grumpy cleaning music and went to one of my old standby’s.. my favorite songwriter Townes Van Zandt. Townes was a singer / songwriter from Houston Tx  (where I grew up) who has always been one of my favorites. I got turned on to him when I bought all the cassettes off a record store that was goign out of business back in 1975.. I was lucky enough to see Townes play quite  a few times back in Texas.. He even took a hit out of one of my beers at a place called Anderson Faire in Houston.. He was staggering drunk at the time…. He was always drunk or high.. he had a life long struggle with addiction.. He died in 1997 of heart failure at age 52. By that time.. he was relativly poor and unknown, thogu his songs had been recorded by folks liek Willie Nelson. Kris Kristofersons,. Emily lou Harris, Doc Watson..

Anyway.. I wet on YouTube  to find some old Townes tracks to do my cleaning and I came  across a movie called “Be Hear to Love Me” about Townes life. it was made by a woman named Margaret  Brown..  I’d never heard of the movie.. but I put it on as I cleaned. It was so amazing to get the life story of this guy who’s music has inspired me since I was in high school. It was a sad story .. mental illness, alcohol addiction drug addiction, money problems.. but also a story about a guy who was loved by his many friends.. and a guy who loved them back. I had really no idea of the struggles he’d been through..   If’ you’re a Townes fan.. i recommend the movie..

actually. if you’re a Townes fan, please let me know.. I always wonder why my favorite musician of all time is known by so few people.

If you don’t have time for the movie.. I understand.. check out a few of his songs.

here’s ‘If I needed you’

Here’s one of my favorites.. ‘Rake’

i was deeply touched by watching that movie.. and hearing that music again.. That cleared my mood..


which was good.. because we had a busy afternoon. Gabe’s Lacrosse banquet was at 4..


Coach Bucky and Ryan called the players up and said nice things about them all. I was very proud of Gabe !!!!.




the kids gave te coaches  than you gift..


then it was over ! This was our last official act as kids sporting parents.. at least until grandkids 🙂  I got pretty choked up.  Both Sam and Gabe played lacrossee.. and this sport, this team, these kids and these coaches have become so important to us over the years.. ..   thank you all for that !

nite all. note sam
