Tag Archives: twas the night before

Wednesday night – twas the night before

Very peaceful night before Christmas… we managed to only leave the house very few times throughout the day. Diane ventured out for an early morning shopping trip.. we took a walk witht he dogs.. then all of us went out to lunch att eh new ParkSide in Richmond.. Lots of nice, quite together time

Wednesday night - twas the night before

the only serious business of the day was decorating our tree.. we do both sets of holidays.. and the christmas tree is definitely the main event. As is our tradition.. it’s simply decorated.. we used a ton of RedBull cans that Sam had collected. a few years back we cut some of them into strips and made garlands out of them.. raor sharp garlands at that.. .. then we hung a bnch of the cans on the tree.. and top[ped it with a redbull angel’.as gross as it sounds,  i like knowing that some of the dried backwash in these cans  is from sam.

Diane and gabe did some great cooking through the day.. first sourdough bread

then hot buttered rum to stave off the warm damp outside (it was 43 degrees and rainy.. more like april !)

then a delicious seven fish stew for dinner with a sambuca toast to Sam

i even found a bay leaf in mine. good luck !

we ended the day by wathcing the 1966 cartoon version of ‘the grinch who stole christmas’ ..great fun for 4 adult.. then we watched the  very trippy ‘horton hears a who’.. man.. is that weird.. i recommend it

now.. time to don my kerchief and settle in for a long winter’s nap

merry chistmas to all.. and to all a good night

nite all, nite sam
