Tag Archives: Uncle Armand

Friday night – Uncle Armand

We got word that Diane’s Uncle Armand died yesterdayHe was 90 years old..

Armand was my father in laws oldest brother . He was born in Binghampton NY and lived there all of his life. he was such a great guy.. aways funny and up beat.. a really great storyteller.. We saw him a couple of months back and he told a greatnstory.. His mom had died around the time he was born, his father went back to Italy to find a wife to help him raise  his kids.. During that time, Armand was staying with his grandmother.. ho never leaned to speak English  .  During that time Armand… always mischievous.. had gotten in trouble at school. He was told not to come back to school until he brought . both parents.   he couldn’t bring in both parents since  his mother  was dead and his father was in Italy locking for a new wife.. He said he  didn’t know how to explain   that to the angry nun..so    instead he just started skipping school ..  he was out for several moths before one of the other sisters caught him hanging around town.. That sister.. who also spoke atalian marched Armond to his grandmother and they quickly figure out what had been happening..and sorted it out.. meanwhile. Armand had had a nice long vacation


Armand was always quick with a story or joke.. and had an amazing memory..I always remember him talking to his  mother brother and sisters  in this cool italian mixed in with english. He was one cool guy. His basement was like a hardware store in a movie.. tons of drawers with every sort of tool and gadget.. I  never left there without an armload of hardware.  I will miss him very much

Riposi in pace Armand !


nite all, nite sam
