Tag Archives: VoMIT

Thursday night – VoMIT

Despite a full days work. I had three fun events in my day. The first was a lunch meeting of VoMIT (Vermont’s Own M.I. T club ) board of directors. We hadn’t met in some time. It was so nice meeting my fellow geeky alums..   I’ve been lots of places in the world.. and belonged to many organizations.. but somehow no groups is so charmingly weird as a group of MIT alum


Nice treat 2 was a chance to meet with Diane. Deb and Brit for a quick bowl of Pho at Pho Dang (Pho Sho !).. I had spicy tofu smothered in every bottle of hot sauce i could find.. yum !

Nice thing number 3 was my annual show for the Governors Institute for Game Design.. Here are the directors my good friends Ann and Ray.. Ray is off getting his masters in animation. Ann is about to go on sabbatical !

It was a great crowd toning.. sparks were flying.. hair was sticking out.. it was great. When I’m doing these shows s when I know I’m doing what nature intended me to do on this earth.

OK.. long drive tomorrow.. gotta sleep..


Night all., Night Sam
