Thursday night – quarry

I really tried hard  to shake my blues today. I had decided to shift my vacation around to maximize my time with the kids over the next few days. I was going to take next week off, but we take Max back to Pratt on Saturday and Gabe starts school on Wed.   I spent the first part of the day hanging out with Gabe and his friends Trevor, Paolo, Will and Dylan . Our friend Paulo had been trying to get us to go and swim in a granite quarry in Barre for the last few days This morning we all piled into two cars and made the 45 min drive out there.

 It was a really cool place. It had been abandoned for many years though some of the old cranes and scaffolding were still around. There were some great old walls that made it seem like a Mayan ruin.

The quarry  itself was full of beautifully clear, soft and cold rain/spring water.  Our first stop was a (I’m guessing) 35 foot sheer cliff. The kids were eyeing it s a possible jumping spot and I really freaked. I know I overdid it.. but I could let go of the worry of what might be hidden beneath that water.  Even though many folks had jumped off  there safely… I keep telling myself that I don’t want to live in fear since Sam died .. and I certainly don’t want to instill fear in my kids.. but I just couldn’t get beyond my gut instinct.   We wandered down the shore a bit and found a nice 10 -15 foot cliff. The kids had a great time jumping off of that.. I even gave it a try. It was a beautiful place.

Luckily, Diane had remembered to bring a few SamStones. Paolo fashioned a little boat out of some aluminum foil and we set one of the stones sailing out into the quarry.

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 Paolo’s mom Patti took the other SamStone and swam across the quarry to the cliff on the opposite side She climbed up like a mountain goat and placed the stone on a ledge about 40  feet over the water… Brave woman !


We headed back around 3 to get Paolo and  Dylan to their respective sports practices.. The rest of the afternoon dragged a little bit.  Not much to do.. not nice enough to play outside. Around 6 Gabe. Trevor  and I had the idea to go to Pizza Put for Laser Tag. That was a total blast.

We played a quick round, during which both Gabe and Trevor trounced me.. e.g. Me 125 points, Gabe 1200, , Trevor 2500.   I thought it was a mixture ofmy gun  and beginners suck-age. .. Then we had dinner.

The food was good.. and begged to be played with. I made a car and a face out of my veggie plate. .One of the waiters came over and told us that they’d just had a veggie plate sculpting contest.. and he showed my a picture on his phone of the winning entry.. a small pond filled with  fish made out of cuke’s carrots. celery and ranch dressing… I think the idea of veggie art. is catching on


After dinner, the guys played a few arcade games.. and played with the crazy mirrors then I challenged them to a laser tag rematch..   I’m not a big ‘gun person’ but this game is awesome.. and this last time.. I actually was not that bad.




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The day out with Gabe was really just wht I needed. I’m hoping to get some more time with Max tonight.. he still has lots of packing to do.. I’m hoping to help him out.  I have such mixed feelings about him leaving. I know it’s the right thing for him to do, though. I’m really proud of him…


OK.. I gotta get some sleep..   More tomorrow.   Gnite all.. gnite Sam.
