Monday afternoon – The Monkey Bible Project

Hey friends..  our friend Jamie just did this video as part of the Monkey Bible Project. The MPB is a project of Mark Laxer that explores spirituality from many different angles. Please take a look at this video of me.. and check out the others here.

The Story Project Episode 4: The Mad Scientist from The Monkey Bible Project on Vimeo.

Yikes.. Gotta run.. too much to do..
more tomorrow.
G’day folks.. g’day Sam

ps. funny blogging in mid afternoon !

Saturday night – 80s to 80s

Peaceful day at home with Diane.. though a it preoccupied with work and other projects..

We went out for a rainy walk midday and there were still signs of last nights early snowfall around

the woods were wet form the rain and the streams were flowing like mad !

around 2 we walked over to Bar’s hose for neighbor janet’s 80th birthday celebration. Janet watched all three of our kids at times.. she loved them all. and they loved her back .

Janet’s twin sister Janice was also there.. her birthday too !

the party was a combined birthday thanksgiving , Christmas celebration.. or birthankmas !

here’s janets husband pat.. a local legend.

barb’s daughter jamie and her friend steve.

nicole came bye with her brand new baby tyrone.

Janet and son Mike

Ashley with baby tyrone.

here;s the cake.. 80 cupcakes.. took lots of folks to light it !

we took off form janets after happy birthday was sung.. we picked up max, washed up.. then took off for Hannah’s party. Today Hannah is celebrating 9 years since she fractured her skull by falling off a latter. She was in a coma for 12 day then ice for 5 more…   tonight was all about celebrating her recovery from that ordeal…  She got serenaded by Aaron our waiter.. he could REALLY sing !

Hannah’s sisters sent champagne..

also at the party were andrew and adj. lotto and andy and jamaica.. Jamaica has started a really cool giving program called . You use it to organize group gifts.. and the gifts can be charitable. Andy and Jamaica set up an Inlu donation in honor  of Hannah’s recovery to the Sam Cohn Foundation. It’s such a cool idea.. I’ll send out a link to the donation site as soon as I can find it.

it was a fun and eclectic group of people !

hannah was so happy to be.. well.. to be alive.. she was dancing !>. She tried dragging us all to club metronome fro an 80’s rock night..

They were playing such scary music (Michael Jackson, etc.. ) I just couldn’t go in

It was so great being out with hannah and friends..
I’d like to write more.. but I’ve fallen asleep twice while typing.. so I’ll end here..
more tomorrow

nite all, nite Sam !

Friday night – half a movie

diane’s home !.. she’s been gone for a week at yoga training and it seems like a year.  Gabe and I got along fine by ourselves.. but … there was no one to:
– talk to at the end of the day..
– drive  gabe to his various stuff.
– share a seltzer with at dinner.
– help me find my glasses, cell phone. keys. wallet, sanity.
– steal bath water from
– help me stare at my calendar
– cook with
– drive around with
– watch half a movie with
etc, etc, etc..

so glad she’s ack.. going to go watch half a movie with her now..
nite all, nite sam

Thursday night – roof rot

Man.. I’m really missing Diane.. it’s different missing her from here .. normally it’s me who’s traveling.. and missing her from some hotel or other. she comes home tomorrow.. yeah !

One thing that’s going on this week is that friends Tim, Jamie and John are here working on the roof of our tower.. It’s been leaking for a couple of years.. to the point that it’s been growing mushrooms… Time and Jamie pulled off the ceiling to uncover a million cluster flies napping (ewwww).   .Unfortunately.. they also uncovered a fair bit of rot.. John is crawling on the outside of the roof patching the holes in 100 year old copper ..

oh.. I forgot these pictures from yesterday.. I went to pick up gabe at Chrises.. and found him carving a hunk of limestone with an pneumatic chisel.. Chris is teaching him to sculpt stone.!?!? .. I love that my kids are good at making stuff !.

Speaking of making stuff. with the help of Scott and his friend Aub. and their machine shop.. . and Gabe.. I’ve managed to get a good bit of the mechanics for my new portable tesla coil done this week. It’s starting to look like.. .. uh.. well.. a tesla coil !

Hmm.. what else happened today.. not much.. Gabe and I caught soem sushi on the way home.. that’s always nic.e I’ve really enjoyed hanging out with him this week..

eeeek.. my batteries are almost out..better sign off..
nite all, nite sam-me