Tuesday night – love my job ?

I got a note today from a co worker who watched me present yesterday morning.. She said it was nice to see someone who loved what they were doing.. When I first read that .. I wondered what the hell she was talking about.. but then, I started thinking.. I guess I actually do love what I’m doing at work now.. I haven’t been able to say that for a long while.. I guess it’s an alignment of many things.. .
My new job is about finding ways to use our Silicon technology to help my company’s Smarter Planet program. . I really like the technical content of the job.. it has a good mix of technology work, people work. , customer facing stuff university relations and hands on work. I love the fact that I now regularly get to work with folks in my area face to face.. . .. I feel the stuff I’m doing is something most folks.. .. even kid folks.. can relate to.. Most importantly, I feel the stuff I’m doing can really make a difference in the world.

I know that things can change suddenly.. I’m just saying I’m grateful to have this opportunity right now

night folks.. nite Sam


ps. How are folks finding this new blog format ?

Monday night – New blog site http://johncohn.org

Note.. This is my first attempt to post to my new blog home..  http://johncohn.org

Please get me comments about this new site..  Note the RSS feed button is on the upper right.. There’s also a share button at the bottom should you want to share any of this (though I can’t think why you’d want to do that . )

Greetings from Max’s boat.. I’m down for a set of meetings in NY today and tomorrow.  Today was  a very good and productive day.. I gave a talk this morning which went well enough.    The best part was getting to talk to a bunch of friends afterward. One of them was my friend Bill..   I’ve actually never met him face to face, but we talked quite a few times in the past year and a half. Bill’s daughter Lizzy passed away unexpectedly about a year and a half ago. I reached out to him shortly after that.. Talking has been helpful to us both. We spent about 40 minutes hanging out in the bright sunshine and catching up.. it was great. My friend Kevin W came by and snapped this pic for us.

Next stop was a visit to my old boss John..   Gae and Chris had helped me make a present for him..A stone with one of his favorite expressions ‘Family Discussion’ etched into it. He loved it.. (especially when he learned that the marble used ot be a sperator between urinals)   We had a great talk.. I just wanted to thank him for all the stuff he’s done for me over the past tough 4 years. He’s a good guy..

I then had a unch of phoen meetings.. I ended up parking next to a hotel and ‘borrowing’ some of there internet as I worked and talked for a few hours.

Around 6 I met up with my really good friends Kevin  (another old boss) and Betsy. We had a really great time tlaking aout family, travel, kids, and music. Kevin surprised me with an amazing home made box set collection of the history of ‘electronica’.. it was an unexpected and much appreciated surprise. He’s turned me on to so much cool music over the years.. .

Now I’m on the boat with Max..   I love it here.. though it’s not for everyone . Here’s the temperature in the room I’m using tonight..

brisk !

OK.. that’s it for tonight.. hope this new blog format works !  Feedback most welcome

nite all.. nite sam !


Sunday night – back to quiet

It’s been a great break.. some much needed rest, some mch needed partying with freinds.. and soem puttering time. from Sam’s memorial day last Sunday through this morning, our house has been full of people night and day just like old times.. We had max, my folks, trevor, Deb and three or 4 of her kids.. and a few of their collective freinds in some combination every day.. it was wonderful…

My folks left Friday midday, Yesterday we put Trevor on a plane..

nd today the Townsends headed up to Montreal.. and max headed back to school So now.. it’s just the three of us again.. (though this was actually last night before deb and the kids left)

Actually.. it’s just one here.. I drove diane down to Beacon NY to catch a train. I’m in Fishkill tomorrow for work.. so I’m in a hotel.. and it’s very. very quiet.. nice for a change.. ut I do miss our friends and family.

Max and I took a 1 minute stop to see the time cycle on the way down.. I didn’t realize that Max had never seen it assembled..

We had a nice drive down.. mostly we discussed the Logic class he’s taking.. we were doign logic proofs as we drove.. fun in a geeky way…

We had a few minutes extra for a beer in the parkign lot before he caught his train to the city.. kind of fun in a non-geeky way.. sort of balanced the evening..

OK.. I’m going to try working on moving this blog.. More form the road tomorrow..
thanks for everyone’s love and support through last week.. it was very much appreciated.
nite all, nite Sam..

Saturday night- #^$*@$ myspace

i’m hearing from some folks that they can no longer reach my blog.. using the old address of htp://blog.myspace.com/johncohn . They get a message ‘service unavailable; Unfortunately, I have no way to tell those folks where to look now.. I think the new link is http://myspace.com/johncohn/blog I’m so sad/mad.. I’ve worked really hard to keep this blog going and I feel like myspace has screwed it up in a day of untested changes.
If you’re reading this.. you’re not one of the folks I’ve lost.. but any ideas on how to get the word out to anyone else.. Please do me a favor and pass the correct link .. http://myspace.com/johncohn/blog on to anyone you know who’s trying to join me here.. Also.. please drop a comment on this blog .. or send me an email at johncohn@us.ibm.com to confirm you can still see this.. I’m trying to get a tally on who’s still out there.. Thanks !

Thanks for helping me get the word out..