Saturnday night – Dylan

Dylan’s organ donation started around 3:30.. both Diane and I were at the hospital when the doctors came for Dylan.Diane had been there almost the entire last 2 days. It was so hard and so sad to see  Dylan go through that door.. my heart was breaking for his dad, Jim..I knew the feeling of that last goodbye .. It went right through all of us..  No one should have to go through that…

Then… came the time after.. it started then.. and goes on forever.. the time without Dylan … for his family, for his friends.. for us..   It’s hard to think of whats ahead.. at the same time.. I know one survives it.. there will be great memories, love and even joy down the road.. but for now.. its a very sad time

Folks are being really nice about checking in with us these last few days.. but this isn’t about us.. it’s about Dylan.. we do appreciate the caring    After dinner tonight at Jen and Tim’s I went back over to Dylan’s house.. There was a small group of folks there. Sue, Jim. Dani and Dustin were there… and doing OK.. Most of the time we sat around and told funny Dylan stories..   We also talked about the memorial service.. which looks like it will be early afternoon on Wednesday  up at Bolton. The details will be worked out in the next day or so.

I also walked around Dylan’s house and saw all the flowers and food that’s begun to arrive.. I remember that first flood of attention.. I also remember how it fades quickly.. If you’re reading this.. and you;re a friend of the Peters  see if you can spread out the love..  remember to drop by.. or bring food several weeks from ow.. it will be really appreciated then ..

Around the house.. I saw all the pictures.. reminder of life from only 2 days earlier.. Dylan and his brother and sister.

Jim took us up to Dylan’s room. I’d never seen it.. there was all sorts of Sam stuff in there..    which surprised me.

check out all of these medals !

and Dylan’s signature hats.

Dylan painted this mural on the wall downstairs.. He was always  drawing.. .

Everyone went home around 11.. and Jim and Sue started that first long night…

Let’s all keep them in our hearts..

More tomorrow…

Night all, night Sam.


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