Sunday morning – other peoples lives

I am thinking this morning about the very hard asymmetry around loss Most of our friends are easing back into their lives.. while Dylan’s family are frozen in a completely warped time. I remember how strange the passage of time felt.. Everyone coming and going while we sat home and watched everything  go by. In one sense everything went by in a blur.. and other times the seconds just dragged..I remember my senses being preternaturally sharp and muted at the same time.. I remember thinking if I wasn’t so sad it would have been so interesting.  It’s unbelievably strange to be watching the Peters experience from the other side… No matter how close we areto Dylan.. we are all still ‘the others’ right now.

Gabe and his friends are up catching  the last day of snowboarding at Bolton.. they are thinking of Dylan, as will be everyone up there today.. and next season.. .

More later in the day..


2 thoughts on “Sunday morning – other peoples lives”

  1. Thank you for filling in the missing pieces. Our hearts are broken as we try to support the Peters family as friends and as a community. I have a feeling the memorial at Bolton is going to be amazing… something we will always remember.

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