Greetings from Sherborn.. I’m down visiting my Folks for a few days and giving a couple of talks at BUI tried blogging last night, but managed to loose my wireless connection before I was able to annotate these pictures..
I spent an hour going through old papers with my dad.. He’s collected a ton of stuff through his life tracking some of the stuff he’s done. One of the things he’s done over the years.. One cool thing we looked at was his ‘7 for Safety’ series.. A set of 7 safety promotion movies he made in the early 1960’s as a volunteer contribution for the US Department of Public Safety. I remember seeing them as a kid.

THe series was narratoed by Raymond Burr.. TV’s Perry Mason !

THe first was a mock trial on ‘the people vs. accidents’ where Burr.. as Mason, put accidents on trial ..

I gotta find a copy of that .. The second was on seat belts.. which were not standard equipment for cars at that time..

THe third was on pedestrian safey.. (sadly prophetic….. not sure what to say here)

the forth was on safety steps ?

the next was on fire safety.. there were several letters in the stack from a fire marshal in the mid west that credited this movie with saving the life of three young girls.. Their house was burning,.. and because of seeing the movie, they new not to open a door who’s doorknob was hot.. It was so cool to see that letter !

the next was on falls

then there was one on water safety

One other thing we found was my grandfathers birth certificate.. in Spanish.. from his birth i Bluefields Nicaraagua..
Very cool

and of course.. there’s lots of stuff here on Sam..

ok.. gotta run.. I love seeing this stuff..
nite folks, nite sam