Monday night – frost warning

The frost is on the pumpkin… And everything else. It's about 38° and going to go way below freezing tonight. It's the first hard frost warning, and I just came back from putting every flowering plant I could find in the garage. It's a Sisyphusian one of the next few days it's going to not make sense to try to bring in the plants. It's one those transitions that you fight but eventually have to surrender to. A good metaphor for life…


Not much to report on the day… I was expecting a peaceful day of work… Until the wash machine decided to start dumping its contents through the floor down the walls and all over everything. I managed to sop up most of it up without missing a phone call at work. I'm sure folks were wondering about the sound effects in the background .

I did manage to get out of the house this evening… I went and helped Ben on the stampmobile and it's not so routine maintenance. Hell hath no fury like a large mechanical contraption. We managed to nurse it back to health again. Remarkably it's still working after nine months.


Ok.. Trying to catch up on breaking bad… My only television addiction. Such wholesome fun.
More tomorrow

Night all, night Sam
– Me


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