Tuesday night – moon cake

Went in to work at my office today after several weeks of working at home and travel. It was both nice and strange to be there with other folks. As it happens o had 3 face to face things scheduled for today.. A real change from most days when i don't have to (or get to) interact with real live warm blooded people. Even though none of my coworkers are local anymore, i sometimes forget just how important it is for me to have people around.

The hilight of my day was actually a fire drill when the building spilled their human contents into the parking lot. I saw more old friends in that 10 minutes than I've seen i the last two months.


I had a lunch meeting with my friend CJ. We hadnt seen each other in quite some time.. I was very good catching up.


He reminded me that Thursday is the Chinese Moon Festival… And he gave me 2 moon cakes ! The traditional food of the festival.. I just love moon cakes


Happy almost moon festivaleveryone


Nite all, nite sam



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