Friday night – early to rise

I just realized that I’ve been up before 6 AM every day this week for one reason or another. On Monday it was jetlag. On Tuesday it was an early morning call with India on Wednesday it was to go climb Bolton with  Diane.. on Thursday it was another call.. and this morning I woke up because I had so much on my mind.   I was out running before the sun came up completely.

I’m not really an early morning guy.. if I’m up in the AM range it’s because I haven’t gone to bed yet.. It’s funny having seen the sun rise all week.. I can’t say that I enjoy being up so early.. but there’s something to be said for startign work a little earlier.. I feel a little less lazy perhaps.. and a little more groggy come 3 PM


i’m feeling REALLY groggy now.. so I think I’ll leave it at that for tonight… maybe I’ll actually get a full nights sleep…


nite all. nite sam



Thursday night – congrats Luby !

I just heard Was just recognized in his hometown in Ukraine last for his contributions to the Boy Scouts more than 50 years ago. Luby is a fellow ibm fellow and has been an IBM more than 52 years!. He Is one of the worlds great experts in magnetic materials and is the nicest guy. It's so cool to see that he was recognized in his hometown. More than a hundred people showed up and they put this plaque on his boyhood home and gave him a key to the city. Nice ,

Can anyone tell me what it says ?

Луби привітання!

Nite all, nite sam



Wednesday evening – mountain top

Once more I was up before 5 AM this morning.. but for a really good reason. Diane and I had decided to climb Bolton mountain and check out the sunrise. we left home about 5:20 wiht the dogs and mmugs of tea and coffee.. It was 37 degrees at the bottom of the mountain. but by the time we got to the top about an hour later there was thick frost everywhere/ The wind was still so it wasn’t too, too cold just cold enough that we had to keep moving..



by the time we made the top, the sky was beginning to lighten.. IMG_5366


the view from the fire tower was breathtaking. The valley  fog wiped out any signs of human inhabitation.. it was back to the days before people IMG_5368 IMG_5370 IMG_5373 IMG_5374 IMG_5375 IMG_5377


i put a samstone on the railing as I always do.. then we turned and made the quick trip down.. I was home and on the phone for my first meeting at 7:30.. not bad for 2 hours !IMG_5379 IMG_5383


ok.. because I was up at 5.. i can hardly keep y eyes open.. im heading to sleep !

nite all. nite sam



Tuesday night – open data vermont

Long day.. I woke at 4:30 this morning to take a meeting with some friends in india… I had hoped to go back to sleep after the call.. But i wss so wound up, i couldn't.. So i got out of bed and started working.. My next call was 6:30 am.. Id had 2 meetings by the time gabe woke up at 7 am..

One of the hilight s of my day was a really nice intersection between my hacker self and my work self. I was the keynote speaker at the first Vermont open data conference. On the same day, burlington announced that they are going to be hosting a Socrata-based open data site. Win !

It was so great sitting with all these folks from local gov, universities, startups, industry… Etc, there are so many different ideas and motivations . This is very good learnign for my day job.. And great inspirationfor some of our civic hacking.. I think this is going to turn into a really good group..


Ok.. Gotta get some sleep this week.. Climbing a mountain early in the morning. More on that tomorrow,


Nite all, nite sam
