Friday night – cleansed

It’s been a hectic and tough four weeks. The time up to and after my Dads passing have been a blur

Oddly, there’s one thing that happened in that time that  got crowded out of my writing here. That was that Diane  and I did something called  the Colorado Cleanse with several of our friends. The cleanse was intended to reboot your digestive track in some way. It involved a about a week of heating simple foods wiht no wheat, dairy, sugar or oil  alcohol or caffeine. as, then a solid week of eating only something called ‘kitchadee’ (basmati rice and mung dahl) for every mela of the day, then another 4 days of simplefood, still with no dairy, wheat, sugar or oi.. I sy no oil.. other than a quarter cup of Ghee (rendered butter) every morning. All along we took a ton of herbs to help digestion

At first i went along just for fun.. with all the stuff in my life that I couldn’t control. it was nice to control something.. then I really go in to it. I found that I enjoyed being hungry..    The kitchadee for three meals a day was a trail.. by the end of that I was craving anything else..  I doused it with hot sauce to make it edible.  but we stuck with it …

The funny thing is.. it really worked. I had no expectations on this.. but it really did make me feel great.. the constant low level indigestion i often have disappeared  completely..   i slept better and felt more energized.. (and still do)

The funny thing is.. when I was driving home last night eating junk food and drinking soda and not sleeping.. it all came back.. which reminded me  what ‘normal’ felt like..

I’m gonna try to keep some of those eating patterns goign for awhile to see how it goes…


that said.. I hope I never see another mung bean in my life


nite all, nite sam


Wednesday night – slomo

Busy work day.. I d take an hour out of the middle of my day to work with Gabe on a physics project. His job today was to get a slow motion capture of a lacrosse player shooting on the goal. I put out a request to my geek posse to find a high sped camera and i found quite a few in the area.. None as cool as the edgertronic high speed camera that my friend Jeff at UVM  has. The edgertronic was designed by an MIT guy who. like me, had taken a class with ‘Doc’ Edgerton.. inventor of the strobe and of high speed photography.

We only bly had a few minutes to shoot.because the fields were being used for practice.. and both gabe and i had things we needed to do.. . I meet gabe and his friends at 3:15 and we set up the camera.

it took us a while to get the hang of the thing, but we finally got the shot we were after.. Here it is.. a sht on the goal at 1000 frames per second. How cool is that ?

slomobest from john cohn on Vimeo.

I love doing stuff like that with Gabe..

ok. now to sleep

nite all, nite sam


Tuesday night – Stairway to Heaven

Every time I walk up the stairs in my house it;s like a mini pilgrimage . .I start up the stairs,

take the first turn.. then

Turn around and say hi to my kids. I touch them all.. Sam last .

then I turn again and walk up to the hall.. .. on the way I touch the sacred notch in the railing. I’ve been touching that  same place for the last 22 years.

I then stop at the picture of my mom and dad.. I touch dad’s face.. I did it even while he was ill. but now that he’s gone, I always stay a bit longer and say hi

Right above is a piucture of Gabe and Marcia. I’ve been touching Gabe’s picture and saying hi since he passed away in January..

Then I turn to go into our room.  There are collages I made of all three kids pictures. I look at them all.. every day.. I always touch the pictures of Sam and kiss my hand as I go by. Sometimes I even kiss the picture.

I always feel better when I get to my room that way

nite all. nite sam
