It was a great day for weddings.. My cousin Leslie’s Daughter Rachael got married to Parker down in Houston.. I’d hoped to be able to go, bit couldn’t make that work. From the Facebook pics I see, it looks like that was fun. I wish them both great happiness…
I also saw that our friend Sara B married Karl today here in Richmond.. Good luck to you two !!
We were happy to be able to be present for the wedding of our friends Jillian and Nathan at the Round Church today at 3. Jillian is from here, Nathan is from England, and they both live in Scotland. It was a far flung crown with folks in from England, Scotland, Indonesia, the Bahamas ans all parts of this country. It was a beutiful ceremony.. and the weather cleared just in time

The guy who officiated was a family freind and paster from Washington. He was really good, funny and heartfelt. He said that you needed to give your spouse at least 7 hugs every day !

Garry and Max B rang the bell after the service

Nathan aand Jillian love mustangs.. so thats how they got to sleepy hollow

the drink off the day was Pimms.. which we used to drink when we lived in the UK many years ago

the wedding party was in the beautiful round event hall at sleepy hollow.. we even got a rainbow after a short burst of rain in an otherwise well mannered day.

This is Eric, Georges cousin.. i think he looks like a much younger version my grandfather Dave.. must be the glasses

here come the bride and groom !

then came time for kissing and speaches

here’s my buddy george, Jillian’s father

jillian’s sister Alex

Nathanls brother Jason

then as lovely meal and then cutting of the cake and

the first dance !

Lou and I wearing identical outfits down to jerry Garcia ties !
then a lovely meal.. and then English line dancing..
really, really fun !

a very fun day..
again.. we send our best wishes to all three couples..I wish you as much love as we have had
I gotta go and finish giving Diane those 7 hugs !
nite all. nite sam-me