Greetings from rockefeller plaza in albany. Diane and i are here sitting in the shadow of 'the egg' .. The crazy modern auditorium out here in the plaze i say 'In the shadow' but its actually midnight. We came down here this evening to meet up with max for a belated birthday dinner and to see our friend mikes band play.
This is an inteesting place.. It was built like a set from an old star trek episode.. Like what someone in 1965 might imagine a modern city looking like
There are some very cool building in the nooks and cranys around here
We found a nice irish bar for dinner..
Then went in to the show.. Max is operatign the EEL.. A 30 foot keyboard that homer and i made last year for them along with the help of max, john and colin. It was cool to see the eel in action.. I think this has been pretty fun for max.. Though its long hours on the road. Its goign to make for some good stories
The hit of the show for me was liggys lighting .. He's using projection gobos.. And hes good at it ! Max has written code to allow soem of the ligthing effects like the light up backdrops and the light up guitar and bass to be controleld from the eel.. Very cool !
Max is in there helping with take down of the equipment..
When he coems out around 1am we have a birthday cake for him.. Im glad were here with him ! I sure love that boy !
Im going to go look for him
Nite all, nite sam