THursday night – the view from here

I am a realist.. and given we have no choice . I’m going to remain optimistic.. I’m also enough of an anrchist to enjoy the crazy ride wherever it takes us. from Munich.. It’s a really interesting place to watch the world watch us.. I dont think i spoke to a single person today who did not ask me abotu the election. They are all polite and reserved abotu it.. but everyone want’s to know what happened..

How do I explain soemthing that I can’t even understand …   I just said  to another non-us freind that I am enough of a realist.. that  given we have no choice . I’m going to remain optimistic.. I’m also enough of an anrchist to enjoy the crazy ride wherever it takes us.

How do you say WTF in German ?

night all, night  sam



Wednesday night – Looking forward

I  got on a plane last night around 9PM in SF and by then know that the election was not goign as planned.. I watched it for many hours on the plane until i knew what was goign to happen. I didn’ thave the heart to watch it until the end. I woke at 3 after  a restless sleep somewhere  over the atlanttic and my elbow nudged the remote…

I saw the news..

Trump had won the election..

I couldn’t believe it..


I’ve watched the concession speech that Hillary made and teh remarks obama made..   also got me crying..

I actually had never really considered that Trump could actually win.   There are so many resons that I did not see him fit for this job.. but now he has it..

and we’re goign to all have to make that work.   I’m not happy about it.. No.. I’m very. very unhappy.. very very, very unhappy

but I’m actually an optimist in that there are so many checks and balanceds in the system that change will come slow and measured from this side as it has from the other..

I only hope that Trump steps down from the circus of the campaign and  surreounds himself with some  smart people and works to pull people back together.

I dont’ know if that will happen. but it has to..we have to make that work.


i wish him and us.. all the luck we can possible get.. we’re goign to need it..

this is goign to be a bumpy ride for sure.


nite all. nite sam


Tuesday night – holding our breath

Woke this mornign to this  beautiful view of SF bay

had a very busy day .. didn’t even thik of the election until i headed tot eh airport….

and… wow…. this isn’t goign as i expected..    can thisreally be happening ?

the mood on the BART train was subdued..


the mood in the airport lounge is equally subdued


i’ll be in the air when this all finishes up..


i know we have differnt views.. but I am so concerned about the prospects of a trump presidentcy

we need to make sure there’s more love in the world than hate…

keep your fingers crossed

nite all nite sam



Monday night – UVMSki and Snowboard club

Hello from SanFran.. Not much to report onthe day.. missed my conenction in Detroit due to weather.. got here abotu 4 hours later than i intended.. but worked out ok

I’m glad I decided to stay home last night Gabe hhad inited the ther officers of the UVM Ski and Snowboard club over for their annual thanksgiving party.. We hosted it last year too.

Gabe and I did soem somesceince stuff to entertain them

Such great folks !



patti and victor broought the turkey


here’ we’re making liguid nitrogen ice cream


yum !!


how many baloons can you fit into a glass of liquid nitrogen ? ! ?


then we blue up a coke bottle with ln2


good fun at  77 kelvin !


ok.. gotta sleep..

remember to vote tomorrow !!!

nite all, nite sam
