All posts by johncohn

Sunday night – wild life

My intention for the day was to do as little as possible.. and to avoid doing anything I had to do…  I succeeded beautifully. I did absolutely nothing.. and I loved it.

 Today is the first day of a week of for me, and I can never recall being so relaxed at the start of a vacation. The changes in my life since Sam’s passing are so deep and interesting to me. .. I find that I’m hardly every stressed anymore. . When I am, I find I decompress almost instantly when I go home.. I’m not sure why it’s like that.. it sort of seems counter  intuitive to me sometimes.


   I spent the entire morning puttering in my lab.. which Max and Scott cleaned for me as a Father’s day present. It was so much fun hacking around in there with all the tools hung up neatly. I almost didn’t want to get anything out and spoil the effect. My mission for the day was to start building  a small microcontroller based weather sensor that might someday become part of the sculpture we’re building for Sam. Homer has a great set of ideas for an animated wind-powered snowboarder.. we talked about having some of the motion and/or lighting respond to the weather in some way. I was working on a chip interface to read light. Temperature and humidity.. I got pretty far.. I got side tracked a bit when I discovered that I could download ringtones to these little 99 cent microcontrollers. I  used this to create a very practical home accessory: a can of refried beans that plays Pacahelel’s canon in our refrigerator. Every home should have one. I left it in there until Max found it..  OK.. so it was a dumb idea.


    I’m proud to  say I can’t remember anything else I did for the rest of the day. .. but I was blissfully happy for most of the day.  I remember missing Gabe.. who’s still out at Snowboard camp in Oregon.. I remember helping Diane finish mulching one of her gardens.. and I played chase with Chai.  I also though a bunch about Sam. That happens whenever I’m working with my hands.. actually.. that just happens, whenever.


 Around six, Diane invited Chai and me out for a walk.. we did the upper loop behind the house.. it was beautiful and cool out.   I think it never got about the 50’s all day.. a far cry from last week when it hit 100 here..  On the way down, I caught sight of a fox running across th field in the high pasture. He/she turned around just before ducking into the woods.. I go this grainy picture.. still.. it’s fun to see  a fox.. they’re usually hard to spot.


The wildlife spotting was a bit easier inside tonight. As we were eating dinner, a tiny mouse ran across the floor. I was able to corner him/her under one of the cabinets. Cute.. but it doesn’t belong in my house. I put out a live capture trap tonight. I’ll let you now how that goes.


Tomorrow, I have even  more nothing planned. I think I’m up to it ! Gnite all,   Gnite Sam !




Sat night – Billys

Ahhhh .. home at last. Diane and I made it home at about 7:00 PM after a 3.5 hour flight and a 6.5 hour drive. I’m glad to be sitting still. It was a wonderful trip.. not because of the places we went.. but because I was  traveling  with Diane. It was a totally different dynamic than my normal biz trips.. instead of coming back frazzled and fried, I’m coming back  already chilled out.. I’m going to see if I can take family with me more often now….

    Yesterday I posted a bunch of pictures about going back  to my childhood schools and house..   The real reason for the trip to Houston was to visit my brother Billy, his wife Shaun   and their kids Ben. Betsy., Billy. ‘Berto and Christopher.  They had moved back down to Houston from Boston nearly four years ago . I’m embarrassed to say that  even though we see my Bro and his family pretty often, this is the first time I’ve seen their new house in Houston. In fact, this was my first trip back to my home town , in more than 6 years since my parents moved up to MA.  Diane and I were excited to see Billy ‘s family and the house. We got there mid-afternoon yesterday and just hung out with them for the rest of the day.   It was great hanging out with Billy ,Shaun and the kids.. I love talking to Billy, he is the person on the planet who thinks most like me. Talking to him is like having a conversation in my head. Shaun is a free spirited and creative thinker too. She’s very spontaneous and loving. We love being with her. The kids are all quite different. All are growing very fast.   It was fun checking in with each of them during this trip.  We miss having them so far away from us now.



‘Baby” billy (no baby anymore !)

Christopher (the bobblehead)

Chris on drums

On the porch

Me and Tintin

Billy and Chris

More Chris


Fireworks at night

Betsy and the W.E.B. (Wiggling Eye Balls)


Billy and his trombone practicing

Their place is really great.. First of all, it’s huge !.. Is a big two story brick building on a tree lined quiet street in Bellaire TX.. an embedded suburb of Houston. The house is spacious and airy and has all sorts of amazing features e.g.  the whole outside of  property, including the tree house,  is plumbed with small jets that spray a natural repellent  to keep Houston‘s famous voracious mosquitoes at bay. They have a great pool with a spa, an outdoor kitchen, and a full guest house with full kitchen. Downstairs from that was Billy’s shop where he does much of his inventing.

Welcome !

The front of the house

The rearof the house

The and outside table

The pool

Their ceder works glider.. jsut like the one I rode on with all three of our kids. (We’d sing ‘Doggy-doggy-doggy meat !’)


Cool artwork

Yummy Texas food (you couldn’t make me eat okra as a kid.. now I love it)

My grandfather’s desk !

The inside kitchen


>The outside kitchen


Our three boys are present

My brother is a world renowned  heart surgeon ( , He’s invented many amazing devices to help in heart surgery.. most of them were prototyped in his how shop out of ordinary equipment such as spoons, PVC pipe, ti-wraps, film cans, etc. His shop is pretty nice.. I particularly love his desktop mill/lathe combination.   Billy is also a semi-professional musician. He’s currently playing in a tongue-and-and cheek Disco revival band )’Disco Expressions”) complete with white leisure suits and white platform shoes . Here he is practicing for an up coming gig.

    We stayed up late last night , cooked some food out on the grill  and hung around in the pool. Around midnight we wandered off  for a few hours sleep before leaving this morning at 5AM to catch our flight.

     Our flight was about 3.5 hours .. but I only remember about 30 minutes of it.. the rest I slept. We arrived at JFK around 11:30.   As we waited for our bags, I saw this add for Spamalot.. ‘Spam’ or ‘Spamus’ was always my nickname for Sam. I always collected  ‘Spam’ stuff for him. When I saw this add I instinctively started to take a picture.. but then  almost stopped … ‘Why stop’ I asked  myself ?

   We got our stuff, and boarded the Airtrain back to our car. On the trip I managed to fall against the emergency alarm button…. I had to explain my clumsiness to the Transit police  via intercom..  Oooops !   We found our car with out issue and began the long but smooth trek back to Vermont.   As we crossed the line back into Vermont we both let out a sigh of relief. Our trip had taken us through  Newark, the Jersey Shore, Austin. Houston. NYC., Urban CT, etc..  The unspoiled green of Vermont really felt like home to us. It’s quite a different world up here.. maybe not for everyone.. but it’s heaven for us.



   We got home around 7PM. Max and a few of his friends were hanging out. The house was spotless which was nice to see. Max asked me to go get a voltmeter out of my lab.. he followed me over. I opened the door to see that he and Scott had completely cleaned and organized it for me as a Father’s day present. I almost cried I was so happy. You would have had to have seen it before to know what a huge labor of love that was for them to do.. what a wonderful gift.  I love Max so much.. he is such a loving guy..   Scott, that was so cool for you to help do !

Surprise ! Clean Lab !

   Diane, Max and I then headed off to Mexecali for dinner. It was a great homecoming. Now… time for sleep. It’s nice to be back in my own bed.  G’nite everyone !..




Friday Night – memory lane

We started today in Austin. I was planning on taking the whole day off but ended up doing a few hours of work before we left the hotel. I lost track of time and before I new it it was almost 9:30. Diane patiently waited for me to finish working.. She finally snapped me out of work mode and coaxed me out for a run. As soon as I was back we packed and hit the road.  I plugged in my boyhood address into the cars GPS and started driving.. It was like a drive back into my past.  We took Route 71 to I-10.. about 160 miles of flat, green, hot Texas. It hadn’t changed much in 30 years. Lots of cattle.. a few firework stands and lots of nothing. Coming into Houston was another thing. At about Katy things started getting built up… From there all the way into my old part of town was now quite built up. It was almost as if Houston had crawled out another 20 miles !. That stretch was full of new road and overpass construction. Strip malls, car dealerships… it was about as different from Vermont as one could get.  

The start of our journey.. find my old home address.

Ugh !

Wishfull thinking

Things were so built up that I almost didn’t recognize the turn off to my road. We pulled off the freeway and waited in traffic to make the turn down Echo lane.. the road to Memorial Senior High school where I went. I can honestly say this is the first time that I ever looked upon that school fondly.. It looked pretty much the same modulo a brand new front and prison like fences everywhere. We spent about 30 minutes walking around the place.. We found a few gates that had accidentally not been locked and even wondered around inside the compound.    It brought t back all sorts of memories..  I could really place myself back in that time..  I though of many folks.. friends, teacher.. I hadn’t thought of in probably 30 years.. it was pretty cool being there…  now at least.

In the cafeteria

My nrother drew this mural in 1978.. it’s been repainted, though

The interiar hallway.. the fences are new

The track’s named in honor of my dad’s friend Will, the track coach here forever.

I threw a SamStone on the roof in front of My Kozlozsky’s old chemestry class

Ms. Rae’s Chemestry II class

My old Calculus room <3 <3 <3

On the track that my dad and I used to run on. I foud out by goign through the superintendat’s office trash that this track cost $30,000 in 1976.. but they woudn’t give us $300 for a laser… I even petinitione them for it.. and never got it.. 🙁

World History Class

Mr. Saathoof’s old Physics’ Room “John… please be more attentive”

If Diane and I had met here


After leaving there, we made a quick stop at Spring Branch Middle School. Middle school was  not much fun for me so my memories from that place were pretty few..   My favorite memory from there was the time that my friend Phillip and I launched a very large homemade rocket from there with a fairly  large high explosive charge (Silver Azide as I recall)  as payload. It went off much closer to the ground than it was supposed to have. It scared us and we ran off just as the fire department was pulling up..  Ah  kids…


We then drove down Piney Point to Smithdale to See Memorial Drive Elementary… (I had forgotten that it was Memorial Drive  Elementary.. I remember it as Memorial Elementary. I found my Kindergarten class where Miss Mocha taught me.. I even got a shot inside.. I remember that was before we got air Conditioning in that school. I remember  it was unbearably hot sometimes. I remember the places I stood as part of the 5th grade crossing cards. I remember being so proud of the white sash we  had to wear as a crossing guards.


The Bus stop

Ms. Mocha’s room

Mr. Eldridge. The Principal. he once made me squat for 20 minutes in a corner becasue I tripped Todd Mitchell

From there we drove past the church where I was in Cub and Boy Scouts then sanaked our way to Shady Glen where I grew up. Shady Glen used to be called ‘Scholars Hollow’ at one point because all of its residents were Rice professors. They changed the name when folks like us showed up


A tribute to our neighbor Bud

Our house looked great !. My folks moved from there up to Sherborn MA about 4 years ago. The guy who bought the house had put a bunch of work into spring up the place. It had new windows, a new fence, new landscaping and a new garage door. The essence of the place was not changed, though.  Knocked on the door, but no one was there. I walked around the place taking pictures. It was bitter sweet visiting there. I snuck around back and placed a SamStone in the bamboo that Sam like to play in when we visited here while he was little.  One big change was that the guy had cleared many of the trees from the  back yard so now it had healthy grass growing. Something we could never do with all of the shade.  It really looked great.  


Front View

The Garage which was my lab

‘Maggie’ , my favorite Magnolia tree (My friend Dari named her that)

Side view

The living room – this was where Xmas was

The front door

Our old mailbox

‘My’ firehydrant

Our old Thermometer (note the temp)

The kitchen

My old room

The new back yard

The patio

I put A SamStone in the Bamboo that Sam loved to play in

The back yard

The side door

Front of the house”>

  It was hard for me to pull away from there.. but we had to get to my brother’s house. On the way., we made a quick stop at St. Francis Church which was across from our little road.  I used to go to nursary school there. Much later, my friends and I used to hang out there at night  and play music. I used to climb on the roof there and make tea… and I used to practice picking the locks on their doors. Those are strange memories. I left a SamStone in the capable hands of one of the statues of St. Francis who used to listen to me when I had problems to discuss.  (the statue I mean.. not the Saint)

An old St. Francis sculpture

In good hands

Ms Holliday’s Nursary school room .. my first school experience

   From there we made the urban drive to my brother’s house. In the interest of time now. I’m going to write about our grate visit to my brother’s house tomorrow on the plane. Right now I need to go to sleep as we have to wake up at 4:45 to get to the airport.

This has been a really good trip so far.  More tomorrow. G’nite all !






Wednesday night – late posting

Folks.. I apologize.. Myspace blogs were down last night.. I had to post this in the morning…


Oh man am I sleepy.. We got in so late last night. Found our nice hotel and fell asleep. Here’s a bad picture of flying in that came out pretty cool.

Note the name of the resturaunt behind the hotel.

I’ve fallen asleep twice while sitting down ready to start blogging. . I’ll do my best to get through it. We got in very late night and did not get enough sleep. I still managed to have a really nice and productive day, though. I began today with a short run around some of the roads and paths behind the hotel. I had forgotten what it felt like  to run in this moist Texas  heat. It was really quite beautiful. The Grackles were out making their normal racket..  which reminds me of growing up on Houston. There it was a comforting familiarity to it.     After a quick  breakfast, I headed out to work and Diane began her planned day of just relaxing away from house and yard work

   I spent my day in meetings in building 45  It was actually nice  being at so many meetings in person after all the phone meetings I do in Burlington.   This is my first trip to Austin since Sam’s passing. Many. folks came up to me here to tell me how sorry they were and to hug me. As always., the love an concern folks show us  really lifts  me up.

Here are my good firends Sybil (Slayergrll.. she posts to my myspace) and Peggy.

I finished up around 6:30 and drove aback to the hotel to pick up Diane. It was soooo nice to have her there at the hotel when I got home. I can’t tell you how many times a year I come back to a dark and empty hotel room somewhere n the world.

    Diane told me about her lazy day.. which sounded  very peaceful…she’d also talked to both boys.. Gabe was still having a good time in Oregon.. and Max was doing fine at home.. I miss them both so much..   Around 7 we headed out to meet my friend Leon and co. for dinner.    Leon was taking the managers who reported to him here in Austin for dinner. The restaurant.. was called “Mood and Food”  . Diane and I did the ‘we’re trying to be vegan’ dance with the menu and found something with no meat, eggs or dairy.. Once again.. I’ve been a vegetarian for years with no problem.. but trying to avoid eggs and dairy in our culture is really tough.  One interest side note about the restaurant. was that the room was filled with color changing lights  (I that kept cycling our food between shades of red . white, green and blue… I managed to take most of my bites during the white cycles.  Conversation at dinner was good… it was good getting to know these folks better. 

   AT about 8:30 we excused ourselves and headed over to my friend Jim and his wife Mary. Jim and Mary’s house looks our over Lake Austin… which was really beautiful tonight. Amazingly, the night was quite cool.. I think it’s cooler here tonight than back in Vermont. We sat out on Jim and Mary’s porch and listened to the rain.. t couldn’t have been nicer. One cool bonus for the evening is that Mary and I went to the same High School in Houston (Memorial High)// Mary is a couple of years younger than I am, but we still new many of the same folks. There are very few folks I know who I can reminisce  with about those days.. it was fun. 

    Now were back at the hotel and I keep falling asleep.. I just nodded off for the third time while tying. Time to post this and get to sleep. More from Austin tomorrow !  Goodnight folks.. goodnight Sam !


A story from texas wouldn’t be complete with out a picture of the state mascott !