Diane always reminds me.. days aren’t ‘good’ or ‘bad’.. they are just days.. even so.. today felt more ‘good’ than the last two . Got lots done.. even had time for lunch.. now thta’s a lucury. The high point of the day was the ad-hoc party at the house tonight. Scot’s folks came over, making about 15 for dinner.. pot luck with tons of good food. Diane Deb and I are still doing the ‘vegan’ thing. .. which is surprisingly fun. It makes you very conscious of what you’re eating. I’ll do it for another couple of weeks. I’ve done it for about a month for the last couple of years after new years.. it’s a nice purge…
I tried to take pictures of the good times tonight.. but my camera is in a snowbank somewhere halfway up camels hump. don’ know why my cell phone take such lousy pictures..
SO.. in trying to restore some semblance of sanity in my life I opted to meet my friends Jeff and Sebastian on their weekly climb up Camels Hump on the Huntington side. . We met at the parking lot of the Burroughs Trail just before 6 AM. It was about 15 degrees with a light dusting of snow. We headed up the trail with headlamps blazing. The trail was well packed, so we didn’t need snowshoes, we all had crampons. Sebastian and I had poles. . We didn’t actually try to get to the top .. our goal was to go up just over an hour, then back down.. We kept up a good piece for geezer-class walkers.. Enough to break a sweat, but not breathing too hard to talk. in It was so beautiful.. and so quiet.. well.. actually not that quiet because we talked the whole time. Work topics were off limits, so we stuck to family, mutual friends and our towns.. more than enough for two hours
The time to turnaorund came so fast.. I couldn’t beleive it had been an hour.. I took a samstone out of my pocket.. and placed it in the snow as a marker of how far we’d come…
I also noticed at that moment that my real camera had fallen out of my pocket and was now under a foot or so of snow somewhere on the trail.. *sigh*..
We turned around and took off down the hill. Going down was faster.. but a little more treacherous. We made the car in just about 50 minutes
I was home and showering b 8:30.. On my first call at 9.. I was relaxed and refreshed unitl about 9:15 At least that first 15 minutes was fabulous.. I had a completely different outlook on my work
It’s funny how the world sometimes chooses to send you a message.. I’v e been running at about 130 % the last two weeks,. .. I’ve had very little time to play, invent, socialize., sleep or just chill. Last night my head almost exploded from too much stuff..
In the midst of that.. both of our cars decided to ask for major repairs.. both were running roughly and making lots of noise
Both required new right front wheel bearings.. could it be any clearer ?
I went running this morning in my five fingers ‘barefoot’ shoes.. it was about 16 degrees out.. which isn’t really cold for this time of year.. I tried to run the trail, but the snow concealed a deep layer of pitted ice that was too treacherous.. because the snow concealed the terrain.. both the dogs and I gave up on that pretty quickly.. So we opted for a road run.. It wasn’t that cold or uncomfortable. to me.. but the dogs seemed to be having trouble with it. I turned around to find Chai running behind me alternately lifting her back paws to keep them off the road, so I turned around.. My feet were cold.. but.. my feet are always cold.. I got home, took off my shes and hit the shower.. it was then I realized I might have done something stupid. The forth toe on both of my feet (the one that ‘had none’ in the this little piggy chant).. was numb.. .. as the warm water thawed them out they began to ache like crazy.. .. That usually happens when my feet or fingers thaw.. but this time, it didn’t go away.. long story short, I think I frostbit both of them.. . I’ve done it before.. and that makes it easier to happen again..It’s now about 7PM and they still hurt.. .. but. in a good way. . they are rosy and pink.. no signs of real damage..