Thursday night – My TedX talk on the Importance of Play

This morning I got an email telling me that the video of the talk i did at TedX Delft in early October had been posted. It was my attempt to talk about the importance of bringing a playful spirit into your work and life.. Sometimes things happen for a reason.. I wasn’t feeling particularly playful about my work today… so I was a little nervous as I sat down to watch the video at the airport…It’s always hard watching yourself talk…
So… How was it ? … I like it../,, The Delft folks did a really nice job of editing .. and i think the points I wanted to make are there.. . There are so many things I wish I would have said.. or said differently, but all in all, i am very glad i did it.

I’m interested to hear what people think..because I want to continue to refine the message.. What did you like, what didn’t you like ? WHat would you suggest to make it better > Eager to get your thoguhts..

and remember.. “do try this at home !”

nite all, nite sam

Wednesday night – my third favorite bathrobe

Sitting in Armonk New York wearing my third favorite bathrobe. My first favorite bathrobe is definitely the thick blue one that Diane made for me almost 30 years ago. It was almost an Arthurian legend… I knew I would marry the girl who made me a bathrobe and I'm so glad I did. That bathrobe My friend nearly my entire adult life It's just too big to pack when i travel,

the Ibm learning center where i am staying tonight has these really nice bathrobes when you're a guest here. This bathrobe im wearing tonight might be my favorite among equals except that my mother got me one of the bathrobes from this very hotel as a gift several years ago because she So much. (Thanks mom!) So that has to be my third favorite bathrobe.

I say Life is good whenever you're wearing any one of your first three favorite bathrobes. Hope it's good for you now as well.

Night all, night Sam


Monday night – dads shopping night

Tonight was the annual dads shopping night .. Its a tradition I've been part of for more than 20 years. Once a year all of us meet at a bar, eat, drink then pretend to go out shopping for our families. Every year we end up looking at our watches and realizing its either too late, too cold, too rainy, too something to actually go out and shop.. So we stay in the bar.l this time, we actually dropped the pretense of shopping and just stayed and talked. . We met at the Public House in Hinesburg, the site of the old cheese factory,. I remember how that place used to smell when i lived in Hinesburg more than 30 years ago

Tomight there were 12 of us.. 10 from the core group that have been meeting together at least once a year since the early 90's. we caught up on our lives and our family lives.. We cracked old jokes and drank wierd beer. Soem of these guys i see all the time..some i see about once a year. It felt very good to reconnect with all of them


Nite all, nite sam
